September 7, 2012

September is National Healty Aging Month

Healthy Aging Month is an annual observance during the month of September designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older. The main objective of Healthy Aging Month is to encourage local level events and promotion of individual Healthy Aging practices. Visit which is the official site of the Healthy Aging Campaign. The campaign is designed to broaden the awareness of the positive aspects of aging and to provide information and inspiration for adults, age 50+, to improve their physical, mental, social and financial fitness.

Four habits that lead to a longer life:
-Not Smoking
-Getting regular physical activity
-Healthy Eating Habits
-Avoid to much Alcohol
Each of the four healthy habits, by itself, offers some protection. And of all four, NOT SMOKING is the one that provided the most protection from dying. The biggest benefit comes when people do all four! In a study done by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) found that people who practiced all four healthy habits were:
 -66 percent less likely to die early from cancer
-65 percent less likely to die early from diseases such as heart attack and stroke
-57 percent less likely to die early from other causes when compared to people who had none of the healthy habits

Four additional habits that can lead to a longer life:
-Getting enough rest
-Coping with stress
-Laugh daily / Be Happy
-Make fruits and vegetables a large part of your diet

Help your children build healthy habits early in life!!
It’s never too late to being practicing healthy living. Starting at a young age will only make it easier to practice healthy habits as you grow. When you’re young, the last thing on your mind is aging, so children will need extra encouragement. When you’re trying to get your children to go outside and be active, go out and play with them. Get involved in a fun activity. If you want them to eat healthy foods, make sure you set a good example fro them. Being a role model for healthy aging can help you and your children live longer, happier and healthier lives! 

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