June 15, 2012

National Splurge Day coming up!

This Monday, June 18th, is National Splurge Day! There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of information about where this day comes from, but does it really need an explanation? The name really says it all - who wouldn't want a day dedicated to treating yourself?

Maybe this is the first time you've ever heard of Splurge Day. Well, it's never too soon to study up on some fantastic ideas to splurge on when National Splurge Day rolls around this Monday.

We put together a couple ideas:

  1. Buy that hardcore, vintage vinyl record you've been eyeballing on eBay.
  2. Treat your feet - enjoy the fresh cut grass on your front lawn with a little barefoot frolic and then dash inside for a foot bath, or better yet, head over to spa for a mani-pedi. 
  3. Make a feast for the eyes with a few decorative choices that could spice up your living quarters. 
  4. Spend some time catching up with someone you haven't seen in a while, have a party, or go to a movie with the gang.
  5. Shoes. You can never go wrong with shoes.
With that said, have a great weekend and a wonderful National Splurge Day!

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